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I'm starting to think that I'm jinxed or some shit. Seriously. 

My PC has been having problems with cooling for quite a while now... its main fan has started malfunctioning not long before last Christmas, but I've so far managed to keep things under control thanks to an external fan, and limitating heaving-processing activities like gaming... Photoshop work was the exception, as you can guess : P

However over the last 2-3 days things seemed to have gotten worse, I was gonna get the fan replaced once I was done with the current pictures set, but I had 3 shutdowns due to overheating just today, so I don't think it's wise to wait any longer. 

Usually the kind of repair we're talking about takes from a few days to a couple weeks, so I hope to be fully operative again at the end of this week, or at the beginning of the next, tho it might be slightly longer than that. 

So yeah... despite my best efforts I'll be late on things again. I don't care that I don't get to have my PC for a few days, but I feel like crap for keeping to miss deadlines. You guys deserve to get what you pay for, and it never feels good to let good people down, even when it's not directly your fault. 

I'll return as soon as I possibly can, hopefully this is the last bump in the roard for a while, and I can go back to provide the content you come here for more regularly that I've been doing since the beginning of the year.  


Robert Gomez

Can you tell if this is an over heating located on your CpU, video or PSU? Cleaning of an old CPU and it's heat sink is fairly easy nowadays and only takes roughly 3 to 4 hours if you're being thorough and methodical.

Robert Gomez

That being said, here's hoping that you get your computer back as soon as possible!


It's one of the cooling fans, the noise and the vibrations leave little doubt. Plus my PC itself warns me there's a problem with it when I boot it up.

Robert Gomez

Oh you have a complete fan fail. If that is the CPU failure, then getting a new cooling system may be the best bet, depending on the setup and type.


I'll get the lappy to the technician tomorrow morning as soon as I get up, once I know what the diagnosis is I'll let you guys know one way or another.


And that's why I hate the fact that I can't afford really to go to a tower myself. Laptops are difficult to upgrade and hard to repair.