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Hello folks, I hate when these things happens, but this is the status of things: 

Last week I had to deal with a very annoying flu and allergies crysis combo, thanks to the change of season... because apparently after all the heatwaves this summer, I still needed to be annoyied by the weather even after things got more bearable <.< Once that got out of the way my mom also had a small incident on the job, but one thing led to another and now she's not feeling well and I have to take care of her. And finally as the cherry ontop there's been some other major family drama B.S. I won't be talking about too much, but that also put alot of stress on me. I didn't manage to sleep until over 6 AM yesterday... 

So yeah... all things combined I have alot to catch up with, both on Patreon and on other things. I will get back to you as soon as possible... the beginning of next week at worst. Thank you for your patience and understanding, you know I hate missing deadlines <_<


Chris Youmans

You take all the time you need to man. You need to just relax a bit and make sure everything is fine at home.