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 The Shadow took Nami back to the labyrinth of rooms and tunnels, this  time with no resistence from the young woman. It was clear in her mind  now that the only way she was gonna get out of that mess, would be  playing along until the day her captor became cocky and sloppy, leaving  her a chance to escape.

After passing by a few doors, the Shadow  pulled inside a dressing room where she dressed up Nami back in her  blue skin-tight suit, or rather a new fresh suit that looked exactly  like it, gag and everything. The two then moved to another room: a small  cell, almost entirely empty except for a big screen and a heavy-looking  metal hook, both dangling from the floor. The Shadow tied up Nami using  strong, thick rubbery ropes, leaving her in a "I" shape, with her body  in tension, one end of the rope being tied to the hook. The creature  then came back, unzipped the crotch opening on Nami's suit and placed  two pill-shaped devices over her sex, securing them with strong sticky  tape. The two devices, one green and one red, were connected to what  looked like battery packs, that were slit in the bonds on Nami's leg. It  then left the room, leaving the redhead there, staring at the screen.

A  few seconds late the monitor turned up, and an audio and video-feed  begun playing. It shown various images and video-clips... some of  plesant things like open landscapes and crowds of people during a  celebration and others mostly showing pornographic imagery. A voice  accompanied the video feed... the same voice that chatted with her in  the big central room, her... Mistress...


Nami's current stats:

Obedience 35/100: can be forced into submission by leaning on her phobias;
Intelligence 75/100: very smart and talented, perfectly capable of looking after herself;
Lust  45/100: well-aware of how pretty she is, and quite capable of playing  on her sex-appeal if necessary. She's has a growing appreciation for  fetish clothing;
Corruption 50/100: her greed and love of shiny  precious objects are one of her greatest weaknesses. She's developing a  bondage fetish; 



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