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 At last, the Shadow gave Nami some food and water, and freed her from  her prison. The redhead still shed a few tears, grateful that she was  out of that nighmareish situation. Then the lifted her up, the young  woman too weak and startled to even try resist, stripped her naked and  brought her back to the big room.

"Ahh, I see my new pet is back  at last! Did you enjoy your alone time?" The voice started taunting  Nami as soon as she walked in.

"I... I'm not..." the redhead begun to say...

"Still trying to be defiant? Maybe I should have you locked up a few more weeks..."

"N-NO! No... I'm... sorry..."

"Prove it... get on you knees and tell your Mistress how much you're sorry!"

For  a split second Nami tought of what she wanted to do... submitting fully  to her captor was out of question... but she didn't want to return back  into the casket... so she would have played along... just this once...  just... this once.

"I'm... I'm... very very sorry, M-Mistress...  just please... don't put me back in that box." Nami said while kneeling  in a rather discomposed manner.

"That's better! Shadow... take  her to a cell with a bed. And let her rest a few hours. I think she's  ready to begin proper training..."

"C-can I get back that blue suit... it's kind cold without it... p-please, Mistress..."


What's gonna be Nami's first training cycle?

1 - Phisical Training (+Obedience -Intelligence)
2 - Commands and Imprinting (+Corruption +Obedience)
3 - Sexual Training (+Lust -Intelligence)


Nami's current stats:

Obedience 35/100: can be forced into submission by leaning on her phobias;
Intelligence 75/100: very smart and talented, perfectly capable of looking after herself;
Lust  45/100: well-aware of how pretty she is, and quite capable of playing  on her sex-appeal if necessary. She's has a growing appreciation for  fetish clothing;
Corruption 43/100: her greed and love of shiny  precious objects are one of her greatest weaknesses. She's developing a  bondage fetish;         

And this is it for this chapter of our little interactive tale! Not so little actually, this is turning into quite a project. But I'm having fun and I hope you do too = ) The poll to choose what comes next, as usual will be posted right after this! 




That's a great story ! I really love how she is, frightened to be sent in the box. It can be a nice way to punish her. About the next part, it's 1 ! I think it's time to make her more obedient and less smart, breaking her smart can be good.


Im loving this series!