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But waaaait... there's more! Since it was mostly done already, here's also the second page of this comic all colored up! Yeeep, I've been a busy bee = D Oh, and I commissioned the storyboards for the follow-up of this comic, so if you like where this is going, fear not... there's alooot more coming!

And with this, this is really it for now... have a good day, and hope you enjoyed the pictures overload xD 

Coming up next, the third part of the Nami interactive story, and then some commissioned works for the DA people, see ya soon! 

Also, once again thanks to my friend VanSchalk, who made the original storyboards for this comic:  https://www.patreon.com/vanschalk 




Gotta love processing chambers and naked subjects... :)


I like the small scars on her back, where the metallic devices are wielded to her spine, it's aproof of your work on the small details. Great job on that color !


Nice as always.