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Hello everyone! So, ye... today I'm one year older :p Time truly flies...

Anywhoo, just wanted to give you a quick life and art update for the occasion. Life-wise, I'm doing quite well. Work didn't get flooded again, my family is more or less in good health, and nothing catastrophic seems in sight.

Art-wise... which is obviously what you're more interested to ear... things are also going rather well! The whole "setting up a separate workplace" seems to be working really nicely... I'm already 3/4s of the way on the lines for another sequence, and I feel a lot less sluggish and a lot more eager to get stuff done in general. I'm also planning some fun new projects, but I won't start working on those for a few more months.

If I can keep the current rhythm up (and no more nasty surprises come my way) I'll should have most, if not all, of the stuff still unfinished done by the end of the summer. In light of that, I've decided that I will get out of the current "dormant mode" and start posting stuff in public again, on the 12th of September, which is the anniversary of my DeviantArt profile where it all begun. This is also out of necessity and not just of desire... with all the AI slop flooding places like DA and Pixiv not posting anything for really long periods of times can be really bad. And we can never know when this or that site will pull the rug from under NSFW artists, so bunkering up into only one place is very risky, now more than ever.

Of course, you'll still get early access to anything I complete just... not a year worth of it anymore xP More like a week or two like before. But we'll worry about that in a few months. For now, I'm gonna enjoy my B-day, and then crawl back in my new "drawing hole" tomorrow.

Thank you for everything, always.



Good to hear from you, looking forward to your posts, hope everything keeps going the good way for you.