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Hi guys, looks like some of you are experimenting a bug about the new release. Unfortunately it works for all of us, so we are investigating about it...

We need your help, can someone tell us if the bug is still present trying to play the game from the beginning, without starting from an existing save file?


Drunk Robot

First of all, thank you for all your support and help. As you may have guessed, the game A FURRY HOUSE came to an abrupt halt in the preceding months because the development team to which it had been entrusted is no longer working with us. Because it is one of your favorite games, we did everything we could not to abandon it. At the moment, therefore, the game has been entrusted to a new development team, which has added a considerable new part to the game. Unfortunately, there were some problems in taking over the “old” part, which caused the various bugs you have encountered, and which have so far prevented you from being able to play the new scenes. At the time of writing we are preparing a new release, which will be released later today, and should be fully functional. As usual, any feedback and help from you will be instrumental in resuming the development of the game on a continued basis until its completion. You will also be part of the new development team!!! :)


Game seems tuck in loop. Cant seem to progress to new content. Tried restarting but cant get back to where I was before . Monica never leaves her phone in her room and I never get an option to leave webcam in Bonnies room. Not sure how to force the game to progress some triggers missing but what I dont know.