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Hello all,  

I'm trying out a new series on the channel before every race where I'm getting someone on (different guest every week) to chat with about the upcoming race weekend. This week I've got the excellent Dre Harrison on from Motorsport101.

What we're going to do is get the guest of the week to completely takeover my FantasyGP.com for the weekend, doing whatever they want with my team and my weekend predictions. I think it should be a fun framework for discussing the upcoming race and gamifying it, as I like to do.

Send an email: Anyway, in the spirit of trying things out I was considering reading some correspondence from the viewers. So if you want to drop me a short email with [Bahrain Preview] as the first bit of the subject line I might read a couple out with the guest. Comments or questions welcome. I'm definitely going to favour interesting, witty, brief emails over anything else and will only do a few at most. It's all a bit 'trying things out' at the moment.  

If the 'viewer correspondence' bit works as planned it'll be an ongoing amusing part of the series. We'll see!  I'll use the name on your email unless you want me to call you something else (please let me know)  

chainbear at gmail dot com for emails to me and Dre for next week, by Sunday please!

Join my league: Also! If you want to join my FantasyGP league (not the official one, follow the link) my league code is: 61241674


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