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Hey everyone - here's your new ad-free version of the latest video. I'm going to try and get this public... fairly soon for timeliness so I hope you enjoy this early glimpse :)


(Patreon) Track Limits and Inconsistent Rules - what happened in Bahrain?

Hello lovely Patreon patrons!



Max seemed to think that Redbull could have chosen not to give the place back, and still win the race if he built up a 5 second lead. Is that right? I don't think he should be able to ignore the stewards like that and the penalty should be big enough to ensure he doesn't benefit if he does ignore them.


I think he was going on precedent, that minor track limit penalties incur a five second penalty. You can look back to Vettel's lost win in Canada for that. Of course, Lewis himself lost a win in Belgium 2008 for going off track for the lead; he got a 25 second penalty because they didn't have smaller penalties available then


So the event notes intended the turn 4 rules to promote keeping cars apart, but restrict passing? Sounds like 20 years of F1 rules to me, wish we were past this. (Agree with preamble, thanks)