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Hello all! Finally completely moved flat, unpacked everything and built all the furniture I need to live so I was able to sit down and make this next video. Thought I'd keep it relatively brief and cover one of the banned suspension innovations - FRIC.

Next up to do is arrange the Predictions Challenge 2021. Bit later than usual due to the above but should be getting the questions together very shortly. Watch this space!


Suspension 3 Pat

Hello lovely Patreons!



Super interesting as always! Just so you know: The first 4-ish minutes of audio is definitely off, you can hear the transition at 4:09 where it sounds significantly better


Ah yeah, it is, I know. I've put a little disclaimer on the public video. I'm in a new flat now and haven't quite worked out how to optimise the audio properly. It's a big open space so causing me a few headaches


Yes Stuart! I opened the app hoping for a new Chainbear video and here it is 👍🏻