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Hello everyone! Just a personal update for you - I've been super, super unwell through March so apologies for scarcity of content lately. Getting back on track though with new videos around the time of Bahrain GP and Chinese GP, a couple of "fun" videos (to be revealed) in April PLUS a Bingo catchup.

I'm also starting to do research and prep on hopefully TWO more fleshed-out, longer-form video essays in 2019 and make plans for some light-hearted newsy updates through the year.

So it took me a while to get up to speed (mental health can be a real arse) but I'm raring to go and feeling like we could have a good year ahead.

Thanks for sticking through with me!



Sorry to hear of your woes - and I of course wish you a very-soon-back-to-good health!


Hi Stuart, I wish you all best! Please take care of yourself and work at whatever pace suits you best! I've also been dealing with some mental health issues and some private shenanigans lately, so I guess maybe I can relate a bit. Greetings from Berlin!