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Hi all,

This will just be a short little post. Firstly, thank you for being the first few people to sign up as a patron. This is all very exciting.

I'll be aiming to get a few videos out a month. They take quite a lot of time and I'm earning VERY LITTLE money at the moment so I have to balance things appropriately (I'm sure you understand).

Currently in the queue of ideas for upcoming videos includes: a quickie on how the new grid penalties will work, how and why tyre performance gets worse over time, an explainer of the 2021 provisional new engine rules, an opinion piece on engines, something about grid girls, and an idea for tyre compounds.

In the meantime, this gif is a hint of the video I'm currently working on (and you guys will get early access to all videos when they're ready!)

Thanks again - so much!

EDIT: I'm very interested to know what you'd like from these patron-only posts. I can give you some little behind the scenes nuggets if you'd like a peek behind the curtain.





Not entirely sure if I added that gif properly


Yup I see it. Safety Car!