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That’s all :3 I’m gonna play some RE tmrw night after work and I would be just delighted if anyone was around and wanted to join in! 🥰

There’s a chanceeee it may veer into the less chill, less SFW vibes at the end ;P but I make no promises after a long work day hehehe I’m just saying maybe don’t bring the whole family along ya feel? :P 

see u tmrwwwww!! :)) 




I don't know if you've played it yet but you should try a game called palworld. It's basically pokemon and ark in one game. I've been playing myself and it's a lot of fun


Can’t wait Cat 🥰🤗


i haven'ttt but it looks super fun!! i just may check it out myself :D thank you for the suggestion, i hadn't heard of it til you said it!