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I'm not doing too bad for myself! 

Ever since the divorce and, since... well... things got weird at home, I've been enjoying having a house all to myself. I'm really working to figure out who I am and what I want, and just because my Douche of an ex-husband couldn't (wouldn't) give it to me, doesn't mean I don't deserve to be made into the perfect little fuck slut, just like I always wanted. 

Luckily for me, I've met the perfect man through my work to help guide me into place as a submissive little whore.

Unluckily for me, he's been closer to me than I thought, for far longer than I thought too, and he is not the man who should be doing this to me.

YOU shouldn't be touching me like this...

Fucking me like this...

Abusing, using, and hurting me like this...

But you are. And despite my best efforts, I simply cannot stop myself from cumming like this...

Over and over and over again. 

I once said in an episode of my podcast that I wanted to have my mind and body broken, well... You heard what I said, didn't you? And now you're here to deliver. 


WARNING: This is some straight up BACK CATALOGUE material hehe, meaning it's a darkkkkk audio. I'd so appreciate if you could read allll the tags on Discord, to be safe :3 Listen at your own discretion but know that every second I spent brainstorming this, writing it, recording and editing it, I LOVED. Back to my roooooots baby, this is exactly the kind of audio I started with allll those years ago but more.. refined hehe. I am super stoked to share this with you and I hope so much that you enjoy :3 and if this is notttt your cup o' tea, that is okay too! ❤️ There's more coming from me and it's not all gonna be this wild and out of control, I promise >:3 



Move over Gone with the Wind, a new greatest epic has arrived! 🔥


Wow! This was phenomenal. Do you plan on making a second part?


Yeah?! Awww thank youuu 🥹🙏 I always feel a little timid coming out with my own OC like this but I love it so much so I’m really glad some other people do tooo!! As for a second part, I think if this is well enough received even just for a few people then I’d absolutely consider a 2nd part 😈🥹


Gilder!!! ❤️❤️❤️ hahaha yay!!! It’s so longgg I know but I really poured my heart and all my parts into it baha :3