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It's cold and snowy outside but you and I are niiice and cozy under the covers, aren't we? ;) 

The end of the year is fast approaching (tomorrow is the LAST day of 2023, eek!! What the heck!) and since I was blessed with the gift of a Christmas Flu, I wasn't able to record the audio I initially planned to record (the clowder group script audio, but dw it's coming next month instead!!) so instead I've decided to release this one >:3 

A classic Cat audio, filled with lots of naughty talking, gentle kisses, whispers, and promises that what we're doing will stay between just us ;) 

Get ready, lay back and close your eyes and let me take good care of my favourite little boy 💕


And thank youuu Nathan, for coming to me with this audio idea a while ago and thank you of course for letting me share it with everyone hehe xx 



This is a great way to end the year Kate, I’m looking forward to the stream later on today! Much love 💯❤️💯✨


Cozy, amazing, sensual beauty! Wonderful!

Chris K

This is very relaxing and oh so sexy! More of these please 🙏