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*Artwork by Gentuki0999 on Twitter :)

It’s been a gruelling couple of weeks but you and your wife have both managed to abstain from getting off. Ahem, well, *mostly*

Okay okay, if you’re being honest with yourself, you’ve not been quite as on it as your wife has been. So you jerked off twice in the shower, big deal. She doesn’t even know, and thank fuck for that. She’s been in a piss poor mood since this whole period of suffering, err abstinence, started on November 1st.

The whole point was to reignite the spark in the bedroom, as if that was even a problem. Maybe for her
 but you were fine, right? Well, maybe you’ve been a little bit, you know, *bored*
 wishing your wife might try something new or take charge a little, even if her version of taking charge is getting on her knees and just -
. *sigh*. It’s fine though, it’s been nothing a bit of porn, Reddit, your hand and your imagination can’t fix. Up until this month anyway.

Now you’re just a mess of pent up sexual desire and frustration, ready to go off at the drop of a dime. And boyyy have things been testing your patience lately. What’s that saying again? Thank Fuck it’s Friday? Something like that. For once, the two of you are on the same page: let’s just get drunk and have a good time. Fuck everything else.

Well, she will anyway... Fuck everything else >;) 


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**Thank youuuu to the person who submitted this idea for the contest this month. I know it's not exactlyyy what was suggested, I went a lil wild with it hehe but I hope very much you all enjoy this primo Back Catalogue material :D** 





Awesome, almost inspired!

patrik nilsson

Amazingly good, kinky and horny. Thank you Cat.