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Very excited to spend some time with youuuuu live on Discord next weekend >:3 

For a couple weeks now I've been collecting some of your anonymously shared fantasies and reading them and droooooling over them and being SO excited to share them with you and now the time has come hehe, if you're looking for something to do next Friday then please feel freeeee to pop by on Discord and listen in. 

There'll be lots of orgasms and lots of dirty talk and lots of silliness I'm sure :3 and I would just love to have you there also!! 

ALSO if you haven't already, or even if you have but you're like me and the dirty thoughts and fantasies never stop, you're welcome to submit your own fantasy here: https://forms.gle/Vf486FwVNKEEH55Z8 !! There've been a lot of wonderful submissions so far and I'm sooo thankful for those of you who've felt comfy enough to share with me. I've not read a single thing I haven't been at least a littttle titillated by >:) Thank you!!! 

See U THURRRR :3 ❤️❤️
