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I just wanted to tell you that I've been paying close attention to the suggestions and requests folks have been making on my feedback form and I really appreciate those of you who've taken the time to head over there and share your thoughts with me!

Because it's anonymous, I'm not able to see who is saying what and therefor I've been unable to thank the people who have left some incredibly kind, sweet and heartwarming remarks on there for me :') <3 nor have I been able to thank anyone personally for some of the phenomenally naughty suggestions I've seen! 

Some of the suggestions I've received for how to improve my game have included things like:

- More variety of roles for the listener/speaker relationships

- Shorter audios (less than 15 minutes)

- New Masterlist that's easier to navigate

- More Aftercare in my NSFW Audios

- More Sleep Aid / SFW Audios

And I've been working to do these things! The masterlist for example, while not planned LOL I did indeed switch to a different platform and it is much easier to navigate meow (and I will be making new tabs for it soon so it'll be even easier to sort through!). I've also been introducing some more unique/different speaker-to-listener relationships, and have been trying to record and upload more audios that are around or just under that 15 minute mark. I know not everyone always has 35-60 minutes to just dedicate to an audio xD I've also been upping my SFW/Sleep Aid production anddd have been trying to include more aftercare in the NSFW audios! 

There have been other suggestions and of course I'm not able to accommodate every thing all the time necessarily but I absolutely have been reading them and considering the things you guys are asking for and really trying to deliver :3 

It means so much that you'd take the time to send any suggestions or feedback my way, so thank you for those of you who've done that and for anyone who wants to contribute their thoughts, please do!!  

okkkk that's all, just wanted to thank you and say i luv u :3 have good day, bye bye!

Cat xxx