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More Tags: [Cover my Mouth] [Hold the Moan] [Cumming Together] [Eye Contact] [Creampie] [Aftercare] [OC] [SFX]

You and your Mom live alone in a little bungalow nestled in a cozy neighbourhood. You’ve been there your whole life and never once has there been anything close to a Father figure in the picture. The most consistent figure at all isn’t even your own Mother, it’s her best friend and your next-door neighbour Katherine.

When your Mom is away for work (flight attendant, unwilling to pick a different career despite being a single parent, something you’ve become justifiable upset about in recent years), it’s the soft, warm, maternal and… well… sexy-as-all-hell woman from next-door who checks in on you. It’s no surprise of course that as you’ve grown, you’ve developed quite the complicated crush on her. When you were younger, you dreamt she was your Mother instead… Now? She’s taken on a new role in your dreams; haunting the wet ones.

Today… Today it’s Valentine’s Day and you’re spending it alone. Or so you thought you were… Until Mom’s recently-divorced and busty bestie comes tripping out of an uber, looking mightily unimpressed with her evening, and finds you sat alone on your porch, enjoying the night sky…


PS: Originally I had planned to have an F4F version of this, but this story changed drastically from where I envisioned it at first and as suchhh, I've decided to keep THIS one F4M, and I'm going to post a difffferent F4F audio that I was inspired to record recently >:)❤️



This was lovely. Thank youuuu!! 🥰🌹


This is so sweet. I wish there was a sequel but I can still just enjoy this audio without any followup. Thank you for the excellent audio!


I love it!! I very enjoy it. Romantic, fun, and lovely. Thank you!!