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Surprise!! :3 I’m doin some streams this Saturday and I would be the most delighted if you wanted to come and hangout!

We all know January was nothingggg like I thought it would be LOL so let’s top it off in a good, fun, sexy sexy way ;p with some live recording anddd some desperate gaming with my lush vibrator 😈

After technical difficulties last weekend, I was unable to capture the recording but I’ll be making sure it works this time so the session will be recorded (at least the gaming one!) and shared here after :3

If you have never been to an nsfw game stream or live stream, you should pop by :)) this one will be open to all tiers again and it’s always a good time. Lil naughty, lil nasty, you know how I do 😈❤️ I hope you’ll consider coming out! ^.^

Cat xxx




Can’t wait Cat your streams are the best!


Yay!!! I can’t wait eitherrrr!! I wish I could call in sick tomorrow and do it then instead but alas 😂 must be responsible!