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TW: Sexual Assault, Assault: While it's not the WHOLE topic of discussion, there is a period (14 mins to about 20 mins) where I discuss a time when I was assaulted and how my inability to accept what happened affected me emotionally, and what it has felt like to let that go over the years - as well as how it feels to know that those experiences, like some others, helped to shape the deeper, darker fantasies I have. I talk about the shame that comes with that and how I have been working through that to simply... Enjoy being a naughty, horny strong gal :) 

This one is funny to post now, because I didn't even have a chance to do a little write-up for it for the Masterlist before my previous account was snatched away o.o Better luck this time! :p 

This is the last archived audio diary from MCWC Patreon page. If you've been listening to these, thank you :) 

If you wanna keep along this lil journey of mindfulness, naughtiness, personal and sexual growth with me then please feel free!! I'm starting a new series of Audio Diaries for this page :D 

Thanks for being here ❤️


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