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It's already MAY! As in, we're already well into spring and NEARLY approaching Summer and you know what that does to a gal? It makes her wanna spread her wings (legs) and fly (be a dirty little slut)!

Okay hahaha for real, I am coming into this next month with sooo much excitement. I have some amazing audios that I can't wait to share with you and I have been dying to do more live events too so here we go!! :3

Live NSFW Recording Event: May 11th @ 6pm EST.
Get ready for some Classic-Cat content, recorded live before your very ears. We're goin' for gentle fdom, loving, sensual, naughtyyyy STUFF here ok!? :3

Hysterical Gaming Event: May 24th @ 7pm EST.
You already know what it is ;p ya girl just loves to get dirty while playing games and it's been far too long since I made any progress on Resident Evil 4... so let's see how far I make it with the distraction of a number of sex toys in and on me hmm? ;p

Cat's Bedroom...: Poor bedroom channel, has been quiet for so long... if you're in the Clowder, be sure to keep an eye out next month... I still have quiteee a few 2-sentence sexy time prompts I want to record and why not pop into the bedroom while I get freaky with it! πŸ˜πŸ’•

YAY. May is one of my favourite months. It's just so nice to see the leaves coming back and the flowers blooming and to see the sun out so many days and blue skies and birds chirping and baby bunnies hopping around the neighbourhood UGH my soul is happy. :))) Thanks for letting me share my May-Happies with youuuu ^.^

See u's thereeee! β€οΈ




Swoon ❀️


I'm excited 😊 ❀️