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Some time ago I started working with Ketsu Society. And we have already made some sticker designs. But wait there's more o(*°▽°*)o I also work on refining some of my old works for stickers in my free time. So the store will be replenished with my other works in the future. 

So go check out their store for merch made from my artwork! If you are interested in it ofc o(*^▽^*)┛

Their website is www.ketsusociety.com

And Instagram @ketsu.society

Thank you for your attention. Wish you a nice weekend! Stay safe! ( ゚д゚)つ Bye



I can’t access the shop it says it’s gonna open on the 20th of January but that is today…


Pacific time zone


Love working with one of my favorite artists!! Thank you 🙏


We open in just over 5hrs!! Follow Insta for updates and a countdown!🍑