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Hope you're enjoying/enjoyed your week end.

The animation is basically nearly done! But as you probably noticed - no fluid. I'm making an attempt to learn a new method to hopefully enhance my animations moving forward..because I really dont like the way it works in Blender. Stay tuned!




Fluids seem so difficult. I assume you've gone through a dozen different addons and such. Any quick pros/cons on any of them you care to share? I hope to get into this someday and fluids and hair/fur seem to be massive pains in the ass and also have too many options and then settings within those options.. Thanks and good luck!


That's a miiiiighty big response that'd be needed. So I'll just keep it simple: Blender's built in - I dislike it mainly because it takes forever to simulate. But its free! Blender FlipFluid Addon - Costs a little dosh but kinda worth it. Realflow - Pretty simple to use and is very expansive in what it does. Costs money Houdini - I never used this but it can do a whole lot more than just fluid and is currently the industry standard for VFX (at least in terms of 3D i believe). There are others out there, but these are the only ones I've come in contact with. Hope it helps!


Thanks for humoring me... any info is good info when there are so many options. Keep up the great work!