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Heyoo, I know it's been about a week since I posted but worry not, I've been busy. Just haven't been sharing much because I've been bouncing from place to place.

Here's what I've been up to:

  • Started the OC Halloween project. (The screenshots of houses are from the intro)
  • I remade Starfire for a quick poster idea I had
  • I'm attempting to make my own version of Rebecca from Cyberpunk in the game's style
  • I was just given the audio from the V.A's this morning, so I will be able to resume and finish up the Cindy x Iris animation.

That's all for now! AAaAAAaaaaAnd as always - Thanks for your guys' patient and support!




Oh man, love that Raven outfit on Starfire. And the new version is great.

MAPerez _

Can’t wait too see the finished version of starfire with the raven outfit 😋 love the cock too