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Hey guys. This is just a reeeeally fast upload to let y'all know that my uploading schedule is gonna be a little wonky for a week or two. (The projects and votes and stuff will still be going up, just talking about things like wiPs and overall activity.)


Helping a family member move and then when I'm done..ME MUMS GONNA VISIT. Aren't things just great when they happen right next to each other? 

I won't bore you guys with the details, and this  doesn't mean I'm 100% not working on anything. Just letting you guys know that the uploading is gonna be a little all over the place. Who knows? Maybe this will be considered the closest thing to my first vacation in 5 years oOoOooo scary

Thank you all for your continued support and patience.



Take your time mate your content is worth the wait, cheers n enjoy.


Stay safe


Out off all the people I've supported, you update the most, so take care buddy