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While waiting for the MHA to render, I started doing a little work on another original character. But I decided to leave it up to you guys since the choice of the character won't be for everyone:

She's a piggie. She doesn't have a name yet. But she is the room mate of my Black OC. They're friends + workout buddies (in both senses). She loves to be physically active but loves food just as much which is why she can never lose the weight. She's also futa but I didn't add the dick yet because i didn't wanna go too far with the model. (Also the hair is place holder, it's probably gonna change and yeah she'll also have a pig tail AND yes, her wang will also be humanoid - not animal.) The model is still being made so she'll probably change a little more too.

But don't worry, I put just enough work into this model so that if you guys really dont like it, I will not have lost much time. And to be honest, I like the premise/body I gave her so if she's disliked I'll probably keep the body and backstory...just end up making her more human.

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(Screenshots below + size comparison)



I’m sure you can do something great with it


I personally say fuck it. go even further wit the pig head.


I like the pig girl