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I just wanted to throw this out there since more and more people have been asking. 

Since I've been considering making longer projects it should come as no surprise that they're gonna take a while to get done. The longer the project is the longer it takes to get it out especially when it comes to sound work. I'm perfectly aware that what i said is painfully obvious but I just want aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaall my cards out on the table. And because I don't want you guys to go without content (aside from patreon stuff like WiPs and so on). From time to time I'm gonna be taking a TINY break from said project(s) to make something else for you guys (will usually be in the form of posters).

This entire post was just a roundabout way of saying that even if you see me release something out of the blue that has nothing to do with the current project I'm working on, it's not cuz I'm stopping or forgot about it :P

And most importantly, just a reminder - - - Thanks for your patience and support guys!



Dont worry! We understand :)


Take as much time as you need with how you get you stuff done, there’s honestly no rush, your content is always worth the wait! 😁❤️


Patience is a virtue, waiting on a master piece is a privilege. Take your time please😇


Thanks everyone! And just to clarify real quick - I'm not taking a break RIGHT NOW, this was just a heads up for anything that may come up in the future. It's good to keep you guys in the know

SFM admirer

i love the 3-2 minute vids much more than the shorts


thought that was obvious but some people don’t get it I guess ! just do your best and get some rest

Firelord Kinndy

All good m8 tbh im all for longer videos i love your art you do you 😉😁

Oliver Holm

Yeah quality over quantity, you go king, take your time


Always got to take those breaks or else you might get artist block


Bro take all the time you need I'm not no artist or someone who draws but I know doing your work it's time consuming so just take care


It's good that you let us know, thanks for that. I completely get that longer animations = longer time to finish lol


I'm looking forward to your longer animations 🤩