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Hey guys, I'm not gonna sugar coat this or beat around the bush. I'm tired of doing MLP stuff. 

Truthfully I haven't enjoyed making MLP content for a good long while now. I started making MLP stuff originally because I was like "Eyyyy that's pretty cool." At the time and even now I still haven't watched the show and only know a handful of characters. So there's only so much passion I can have for such a thing before it runs it's course. 

Don't misunderstand me here - I hate cliffhangers just as much as the next guy so I intend to tie up all loose ends in any cliff hanger I left in an MLP project (like this previous Christmas project). This post is just to let you know that MLP is going down my list of priorities and I don't want to lead people around by the collar. (This also means it won't be showing up in polls very often either) I want my intentions out there completely.

"Why don't you just keep doing it since you're making money off it?"

Ahhh, I wish my mind worked like that. But for me, if I don't like what I'm working on, I have no passion for it - if I have no passion for it then what I'm working on is rushed and gets released as a heaping pile of garbo (I also procrastinate a lot as a result). It's why I'm still extremely reluctant to start trying commissions.

"Will you still make furry related content?"

I'd like to give it a go at some point soon and see how the audience likes it.

"After the loose ends in the cliffhangers are done, are you done with MLP?"

Kinda but not really. What I mean is that when the cliffhangers are done cliffhanging, my..."obligations(?)" to MLP are done. But that's not to say that the name won't show up in a random poll here and there or if an idea hits me hard enough I might impulsively make it. 

To any of you guys that are here exclusively for my MLP stuff, sorry to let you down! And it's completely understandable if you un-pledge. Again, the point of this post is to be as transparent as possible so if you stay you're staying knowing that MLP stuff isn't that high on my To-Do list.

To anyone that pledged AFTER getting charged for the month of December and came here exclusively for MLP stuff, message me for a refund if you'd like.

To Summarize: 

I won't be working on MLP related stuff as much anymore. I still completely intend to finish off any cliff hangers in my MLP projects in the close future. 

And if you peace out because of this change - Again, sorry to let you down and thank you for your support up until now!


Mutie Jeff

Good for you. MLP is dead anyways.


I love your content. MLP or anything. Im staying. ;)

Valéry Romulus

Same here. I would love to see more of other themes. And some more Male on Futa vids!!


I pledged for your work Perry not just a topic so whatever you decide on doing ill continue to support


Came for any content you made mlp or not. Im cool with the pause on it. Curious to see other stuff.


You know, I can't even complain about that. You make some pretty neat stuff and, even though MLP is my #1, I'd love to see content with even more variety from you. Those polls have some interesting choices on them that isn't MLP, for sure! Keep on keeping on, Pixel, cause I'm staying!


I started my support for the awesome and hot futa vinyl scratch and the fun settings you went through with her , but we cannot force you to do something over and over again if you don't like it , the non-mlp stuff is still good , let's see where this journey takes us ^^


imo your non mlp stuff are much better!


I actually like the raven and starfire stuff more than the MLP stuff I did like the it but your other work made me forget that this was mostly mlp stuff I'm staying because I love your work


I'm here more for the Teen Titans and anime shit than anything else if that makes you feel better lmao


Been with you for many a year Pixel and i knew this day would come, :( You always made some of the best MLP content out there and that's why i always stuck around. Honestly i am here mainly for your MLP content so i may give it a few more months to think over if i still wanna be pledged (And thank you for all your hard work on those animations over the years, many of them are still in my top 10 fave )

Presley Mercer

More teen titans maybe? :3


I'm here for your animation style, quality and originality, and willing to see something new, other than MLP, I'm with you. (I loved your MHA animation, I love surprises)

Lich-Lord Krosis

To be honest, the main thing I’ve enjoyed about your MLP videos has been the inflation angle. As long as there is still SOME inflation in your other work, I have no issues with this change.


Thanks very much for being honest and forthcoming about your future plans. I for one would rather you be happy doing what you want instead of being forced to do something you don't just for funding. Be well, and stay safe!


Kim Possible and Shego 😀


That’s actually fine I enjoy all your content

Jack Ponder

I respect your choice dude. It's how artists go sometimes.


Have no problem with the transparency


I just like all your content. Just do what you want to do.


Just opens up a whole new sea of content for you my dood. Your talented with your art~. But curious to what your new ideas may entail


No matter what you choose to do it’ll be top quality and worth the monthly fee!


Understandable, your MLP stuff was top notch, so I can't say I won't miss it. More importantly, I hope you never get tired of that sweet sweet Raven booty. You managed to make a marshmallow fallguys thing sexy, so I'm sure you can find success with any random characters or fandom.


If that means more thicc goth bittes I’m all for it


I hope you have fun in your none MLP works. :) But the sad thing is I only joined you to make MLP works last. They have been slowly going to the way side and there is so much of normal none MLP, that there is an over abundance of it for free. So I have to say even if your work is good I have to go. I am sorry for backing down. Truth is I may jest stop most of my none MLP artist all together. I don't make much money as it is and I am kind of brock. I might jest stop all together and stop my Patreon. Thank you for lasting as long as you did your really good at it. I hope you understand. Thanks F40F50 ;)


Do what makes you happy Pixel!


That's fair. I mean you've been doing MLP specific art for how long? I love your work that isn't MLP


Found you from that first big Vinyl video and stayed because I liked your work. But futa is futa, MLP or not so I’m enjoying everything you’ve been putting out. And to be honest, I was getting tired of all the pony stuff because I’ve seen what you can do and started really pushing for non MLP stuff because variety is the best way you can improve and I’m always interested in seeing what you can do with new characters. Keep up the great work Pixel!


love your work Keep it up


While I originally subbed because of MLP stuff, you have talent and post amazing stuff. You've still got my support. Keep up the good work!

samfish90212 .

Yeah I found you through your MLP work. I'm going to enjoy your work whether you do MLP or not. Just keep up with those contracting balls and I'll be enjoying it.

Firerider2002 2002

right now i love your content and i at times don’t care about mlp stuff because i joined here for the mha project and my dream is getting close and once again keep up the good work


I see this as an absolute win lol

Captain gripper

I never knew you did mlp stuff if anything that is good stuff glad you are dropping something that was potentially weighing you down. Do what you enjoy 👍