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I've done it! The animating portion of the project is done! Now I'm rendering it alllll out.

SO..what's the problem? WeEeeeElll, the voice actress I have is really really busy, and won't be able to get it done right away. Soooo x_x I have to wait a few days before she can get around to it which isn't her fault but ya know..it sucks.

So what I plan on doing is doing all the other sound work while it renders so that when i do get the voice clips I can just stick em' right in and render it all out right away. 

In the mean-time the plan is to also get crackin' on this month's loop..Sheesh, I've never been this far behind before. 

Here's a list of the three things coming out soon-ish (hopefully):

  • This month's voted project (Current Runtime: ~2:30) - M.H.A
  • This month's voted loop - One Piece
  • The Discord Event Winner's Loop - M.H.A

Stay tuned~ Won't be much longer now



You shouldn't worry on things you can't control :D I'm just happy to have news from you.

Roberto Canales

It's cool dude as long as the animation's done it's all about patience and patience gives us the best rewards


I do not think i am a part of the discord


No rush or worries my guy.


I bet the VA is MissMoonified