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This is a minor change but a change non-the-less. Having a vote take place for every tier each month doesn't leave me with much, if any, free time. I only end up working on the votes and then have no time/energy to work on personal loops/animations and branch out (like other games/franchises). In order to be able to do so, with the help of suggestions from Discord, I made a decision:

Starting from this month, the Mini Project vote will be held every other month (One Month Yes, One Month No) instead of every month. But from now on, a mini project will be guaranteed to be over one minute long (instead of 45 seconds). Like this month's T.T "mini" project is looking like it's gonna be between 1:30 to 2 min long.

Why the mini project and not any of the other two votes? Literally only because it requires the most time, effort and energy. 

If you became a patron/subscriber SPECIFICALLY to get the mini project vote every month, I understand completely if you wish to leave. Again, this move is specifically to allow me to be able to do other stuff!

As always, thank you all for your patience and support :D


SFM admirer

what we dont get to bark commands at you? I was under the impression that i get what I want, when i want no questions asked. (sarcasm) Nah but i dont even know what your tiers do I just enjoy the content. As long as your not suffering or the content isn't, please do more works that your actually passionate about.


You produce quality work time and time again that honestly is some of the best that I've seen. I don't want your passion to turn into something you hate down the line due to others rushing for your content. I myself have no trouble with this change since patience is a virtue.