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WiPs are gonna be sparse for a few days. Because while it's not 100% complete, I'm gonna be rendering out the Vinyl Hotel Adventure animation since it's pretty long and I don't wanna leave it until the last second. While it's rendering I'm also gonna start adding sound to the animation itself to make sure i get it out as soon as possible. Optimistically, it'll hopefully be done within a few days. 

Immediately afterwards I'm gonna be working on finishing the Momo x Jiro animation I started a month or two ago. Things just kept coming up and kept me from it XD Don't worry though, I fully intend to finish it.

AFTER these two big projects are finally done I'm taking a good long break from longer projects (if I can help it) and gonna be doing shorter stuff (loops and mini projects) for a little bit since I'm starting to feel like I'm close to a burn out.

As always guys, I appreciate all of your support and patience. Eye heart yu all. <3



The hype is real


❤️Momo x Jirou❤️ 👀