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[Reminder: There are picture examples below, so be sure you look.]

I suddenly find injustice Starfire hot and seeing as this month's voted thing was Teen Titans -  I was curious: Would you guys want a poster made with Starfire and Raven as I've made them? Or the more "realistic" versions? If realistic is chosen, I'm probably gonna go with Injustice's Starfire and DC Universe Online's Raven (The second pic).

But by all means, If you've seen Raven or Starfire in other games that I don't know about let me know. I just know them from DC Universe Online and Injustice.



Honestly I’m fine with either choice. Injustice 2 Star is a definite S tier deign imo (granted she was lame as all fuck gameplay wise) That being said it’s a hell a lot less work on you to use models you have already 🤷🏿‍♂️


Thanks, dude. Appreciate the concern but as sleazy as it sounds - I wouldn't have offered the poll if I didn't kinda wanna make those models already :P I love both options so no matter what wins it's no skin off my back :3


I genuinely hope the cartoon versions win out. They're why I'm here in the first place. I saw god level teen titans futa stuff and was like "TAKE MY MONEY PLEASE" lmao


Welp, RIP "real" version. Was looking forward to seeing your spin on the models especially Injustice Starfire.


No worries, like I said in a previous reply to someone - I'm already interested in the injustice variants so I probably will make them soon anyways! Just not for this months voted patreon pic (if the option loses)

Bud Chudley

Why not both? Perhaps do a pron-y version of that "Teen Titans Vs. Teen Titans Go" cartoon.