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I just found out about Patreon's nifty little feature where you can view exit surveys. And one I see that I don't quite understand is "The creator wasn't engaging like I expected." How can I be more "engaging?" Trying to better myself for you guys!



He/she probably was mad you didnt do a giveaway or something. Honestly I like it how it is but honestly it up to you if you change things up.

SFM admirer

imo that question is silly for patreon creators at least that animate because the only way you could be more engaging involves a stream on ANOTHER website so that people could watch you animate but i dont necessarily like watching that cause i just like a heads up when things are going to be finished and the end product.


if it was said about you it coulda been me by accident when i had to stop all my payments due to real life hitting me with a barbed baseball bat