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Due to the way my life has been lately, I am unable to keep up with monthly voting based things. As I am sure many of you noticed, I never posted last months poster/animation. I just literally have not had the time to finish them! And with the limited time I had when doing monthly voted animations and such - I never had time to do anything I wanted.

So I have removed the voting options from the tiers. I will hopefully bring them back in the future when things on my end have settled down but when that will be? I have no idea. I have made some changes to most of the reward tiers. Primarily being that there are more W.i.P related things now. To compensate for the removal of the voting I will be posting far more frequent W.I.P things now.

I totally understand if patrons leave, seeing as the voting was a big pull. But I don't want to keep something up that I cannot fulfill ya know?

>>The Good News<<

I won't be abandoning last months Patreon voted animation, instead to make up for all of this I am going to be making what was supposed to be a short loop into an animation around a minute long.

Again, sorry for the possible inconvenience and thank you for understanding.



No worries, Perr Bear. Keep your chin up. =D

Darrick Wardell

Yep you do what you need to do we perfectly understand :)