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Alright, the skin kept coming out wrong in the final render but I finally got it working!

Also going forward for the sake of security I'm gonna be trying some new things in order to combat scrapers. Leaks are always gonna happen but I just wanna make it more difficult for them. Here's the lowest level attempt at that. (I know it's bare bones but I'm trying easier stuff for you guys before the final attempt which will be just sending the passwords to you through direct messaging.) The pass for the link is in the comments.

EDIT: Disregard the password thing for now - the link is normal and the password was removed. I'm going back to formula on this one x_x Sorry for any delays/confusion






I support you trying to do something about scrapers btw. It sucks to see people's work out there getting reposted without due credit but the new meta makes me sick. I'm seeing reposts with the artist's WM removed and the reposter's info in it's place routing people to a damn Patreon. That's a whole new low


Final Edit - Password's been removed. Links regular - I'm going back to the drawing board x_x


Good work my friend , the thicknesses of the character is what truly blows me away.


Appreciate the efforts. Great work. Love the slapping red ass.

John Doe

This was amazing! Will we see more of this duo in the future?