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hey everyone.

i need to take June off from Patreon. It’s going to be extremely busy month & i have been slacking on patreon overall & i just need some time away from it to feel a bit free & get my things together.

I will be moving in June so i hope things will be so much better in this house. i am so excited but at the same time im realizing i need to take a step back from making content on patreon for a bit.

If you don’t wanna support me anymore, that is totally okay, today would be the day to unpledge before June 1st when patreon charges.

im leaving my patreon up for anyone that wants to look at passed content or join & look at previous content — will be adding huge warnings to all the tiers about that.

thank you for understanding, im sorry that i haven’t been putting my all into patreon.

im just really juggling so much, i think i may need to hire an assistant or something. i don’t know.

but i do know this break will be amazing for my mental health & be good because June is going to be insanely busy with moving & events & things. 🥺

i will be posting May’s rewards on Patreon & that will be it until around July. 🥺💕



You do you Rose, take the time off that you need. You are still a human at the end of the day.


Take as much time as you need Rose. Your mental health and just overall quality of life is more important! Wishing you the best! 🖤


Your well-being is so much more important than anything else. Glad you take the time for yourself and good luck with the move and everything else you're doing!!


Totally understandable :) I hope your new house is super quiet! But if there are any issues, it'll be way easier to fix them in your own home and there's always a solution! So don't give up!