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I haven't been to active online because on Sunday, August 2nd, I was in a car accident. I have been active a bit on Twitter so if you follow me there, you may have already heard about this!
I have been just taking care of myself the last few days & resting. Went to the doctor yesterday & found out that I have a concussion & just need to keep resting & watch myself & have other near by to make sure that I am doing okay for the next few days.

It was a very scary accident, but overall I am doing okay & my friend, aka the driver is doing alright too.  We are just very thankful to be alive with a minor confusion and some aches here and there. We are just super upset about the car because we JUST helped my friend out on getting this car like literally just a week ago.

So yeah, just wanted to update you all. I felt good enough to finally write a little update & going to slowly get back into creating content & work.

I am planning to stream tonight on Twitch, because that is what I wanted to start doing, I want to stream ASMR every Wednesday & Thursday. So I will be there for that, I have been super excited for that.

Well I love you all & hope you are all doing okay <3


Florian Fuhr

Many hugs Rose, glad you‘re okay ❤️


ROSE😢😢 Hope that you are okay, very scary. Take all of the time off that you need, we will be here still

Peter Harleson

I'm sending you more love than you know what to deal with, and an very glad to hear that both if you are ok

Ken Brewer

I'm glad you're okay.