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When was the last time you read a book?

When was the last time your read a GOOD book?

Do you have a favorite one?

Favorite genre?

I haven't read any books for a while but i want to change that, I want to start reading books again. I want to finally finished the books i started reading and finally start books that i bought but never opened.

Its hard to get hooked to a book at first but once you do, its seriously amazing. I miss that feel of being so wrapped up in a book and as i read i just know these characters and i can see them and feel their emotions and feel what they are feeling, i feel like i am living this life with them and the words on the pages turn into images in your head and its almost like a movie in your mind.
best. feeling. ever.

I had that with many books, Everlost, the breathing series, life as we know series.

I want to start reading those books for you guys on patreon :3

ooo i get chills thinking about the stories i have read and how much i loved them and would love to read them all over again.

I miss those characters.

I want to also start writing more and maybe someday write my own book of a story or a few. I would need start practicing and i will definitely dooooo just that! :)

Anyways, feel free to answer the questions at the top in a comment and if you have books to recommend to me, i would love to hear about them! 


Matthew J Waring

The Red Rising series by Pierce Brown is a series I would highly recommend to anyone takes about 100 pgs of the first book to get into it but once you past that mark you will be hooked


love that, sounds really interesting!! :) thank you for sharing c:

Rusty Shackleford

Reading a few right now! Just finished Name of the Wind and also A Wise Man’s Fear by Patrick Rothfuss. Started on The Dark Tower series from Stephen King a few weeks ago. Favorite genres definitely fantasy! BUT for sure read Name of the Wind and A Wise Man’s Fear. Those are some of the best books I’ve read a loooooong time.


Thats really awesome, thank you for sharing!!! I will have to look into those!!☺️💖


The Inheritance Cycle by Christopher Paolini is great series. Magic, dragons, humans, elves, dwarves, love, betrayal, etc. highly recommend!


OMG that sounds awesome I love all those kind of magical creatures!!!!!