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I used to do write up discussions/blog style discussions on topics on here a lot more and I would love to bring that back if you guys would like that! I was going through some old posts/ old discussions i had on here and just want to re-share them especially because it will kind of correspond with Sundays video that will posted, Sundays video is about Anxiety and i go over some tips and tricks to that help with anxiety, at least what happens me when i am feeling extremely anxious.

This Discussion was About Social Anxiety which is whole story and topic on its own and something that i struggle with a lot.

Thought i would leave this here for anyone who would like to read it and hope you can relate or this can help!

Would love to hear YOUR thoughts on bring back discussions and what topics you would like to hear about or talk about?

Would love to hear YOUR thoughts on how you deal with Anxiety?

Social Anxiety

Being a Teen with Social Anxiety - Jessie Paege & Kati Morton

I just watched this cute video with Kati & Jessie simply talking about social anxiety and it made me pretty happy and almost cry happy tears.

Its crazy when you realize there are so many other people out there that UNDERSTAND and go through the same things as you and you aren't alone. You don't have to feel alone.

Something they also covered was advice to parents with kids and that is to keep the conversation open, let the kids know you are there if they need it.

For me in my whole life, I WAITED for that.
I waited for that for so long until i started having breakdowns randomly and my parents still didn't understand and still didn't help me.
I cant completely blame them because its been a while since they have been in school, been a teen, young adult, or anything like that, I know that they didn't come from families that used therapy or medications a lot, and being that my family is pretty dysfunctional, i should have known to not fully look to them for help because they don't even know how to completely help themselves.

but growing up, going through school, medical issues, family issues, and anxieties. it was hard. and you would think you parents would eventually offer something. anything.

I REALLY wanted someone to see that I wanted/needed help.

But to my dad it was a taboo thing to go therapy and well, a waste of money as well.  (((I think if I were to dive deep into this I could see and understand his reasons, as i believe some of his family went through therapy and medications and maybe it didn't work out or something, but I may never know for sure, as hes a very keep to himself kind of person, in the last 2-3 years, it has been especially hard to talk to my dad, not sure why, (i think him working two jobs a day is really getting to him and family issues is getting to him))))
But his idea of "fixing" me being upset was just telling me to go out on a walk.

When one of my biggest anxieties is literally leaving the house.
It takes a lot of courage to get out of the house and not worry about things.

The worst part is that I KNOW that these things I worry about at times are literally so DUMB and irrational.

But its the "what ifs" that always mess me up at times.

I saw recently someone did a flip on that though, instead of thinking "what if" this bad thing happen? turn it into what if this turns out to be my lucky day? What if I get an A? What if i bump into an old friend? What if I do get the job?
Just more positive "what ifs" are THE best "what ifs"

And that's great!

So I don't know I just wanted to share this moment with you guys.
I know for one that when I have kids of my own in the future I will make sure that they can come to me anytime with any problem and I will do my best to help them or seek more/research more on ways to help them/ seek help for them. No matter what.

Lately I have been okay, I only getting super nervous in big crowds when i start to realize things. But I have had a lot of learning and experience and have pretty much mastered how to act like im okay and then eventually it becomes real and i am okay and enjoying the party/event. Of course I am always with someone whether its my bf or a group of friends.
I also tend to control my breathing, breathing in and out slowly helps.
Going to the bathroom to get away from the crowd helps.
A lot of the times, when I am nervous and i cant run away or anything, this is kinda funny, but I just make conversation with my bf or the nearest person, whether its small talk about being nervous or joking and such.
Its good to have someone in your life that knows about you and your worries, so if they see you freaking out, they know to help you and such.
But you know, remember YOU can be that PERSON for YOURSELF.
You are allow to remove yourself from any situation. And its totally okay.
Your health should come first.

AND last resort, if I hit all my limits and cant take it, I will end up crying. Its happened, I will hit all my limits and will have to leave and then I will kinda just burst into tears.
And its not bad to cry, sometimes that is actually helpful.
Crying releases everything that been building up, i feel like at times its releasing stress but in a liquid form. (I think if I were to get all chemical and science about it, it is the release of certain things, but I cant remember)
Plus tears clean your face good! haha, win-win?

Overall, there's ways to deal with it and overcome it but it is a process and I feel like almost everyone deals with it you know?
So im sure that person across from you, next to you, they got there own worries, fears, and stresses, and anxieties too. so remember you aren't alone on that. and remember to kind. <3 :)

And if they dont understand and they are rude about it??? SCREW THEM!!!!!!! haha jk lets still spread kindness.
*whispers* "screw them*

nah ok kindness is key everyone. hahhaa. <3 :D 

Love you all.

Question: How do you deal with anxiety? Any tips & tricks? :) 



love you rose. I feel a lot of the same pressure from every day tasks since I moved into my own place. having to be around other people in my own personal space is something I'm still struggling with a lot, and yeah ngl I think I cried like everyday during my first week. what helps me a lot honestly is music, whether it be headbanging shit or sad, anything to get stuck in my head and drown out the thought. the only other thing rn that helps the most is my best friend, who I talk to every night pretty much. just finding someone you can TALK to and scream at (in a good way) is great, and idk what I'd do without em. I could go on for ages but I won't here, and thank you for bringing this up and creating a safe place to get these thoughts out. ❤


i love you too drew and yes having someone to just talk to about things HELPS SO MUCH!!!!!! 💖💖💖 *hugs*