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i feel like my last ranting post was like my first entry/writing/journal so this will be my second.

entry 2.

just going to write out my feelings out. I don't know if you all know, i mentioned this yesterday on discord and on twitter.

so i am just going to mention it here.

my beloved, pet, bearded dragon, Luna past away yesterday.

i just cant believe it, i am heartbroken. and i don't know what to really do with myself.

thank you to everyone who has given and sent so many positive vibes, sent hugs, love and positive messages.

it really helps and means a lot in this extremely difficult time.

Luna, i miss Luna so much, everything i have been doing today to try to distract myself just ends up reminding me of Luna. and i just keep realizing that it happened. and it just sucks.

im trying to be okay and distract myself and then im suddenly confront it, and i have been just crying all day. yesterday just keeps looping over and over in my mind.
but its definitely going to take some time, just taking each day one at a time.

sleeping also sucked last night and probably will suck tonight. ugh.

well, i love you all, i will try to be active but if im not, im probably editing, crying, or trying to sleep/nap.  

thank you for all your support, love, and positive vibes.

it means a lot.

hope u are all doing okay and having a good day.

rest in peace, luna, my lovely little dragon.


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