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OMGOSH. So ghosts, spirits, paranormal shit interests me. Its all very interesting but I don't dive into it too much, like i don't try finding them or anything or the sorts because I will freak out too much and won't sleep, haha. And its just not good to do anything to bother them.
But I do love watching a scary movie here and there.
As I have said in our Youtubers Discussion, I really like listening to youtubers tell/read a scary story. I absolutely love it. As well as reading scary stories on reddit. I find it a lot of fun.

so I would like to share some stories with you guys! i will try to keep it very short and simple, eventually I would like to make an ASMR video about them!


this all happened when i was much much much younger. Not sure how old, but maybe 6 or 7, hmm maybe younger?
ANYWAYS, I had gotten a new dress, it was so pretty, and i didn't have a lot of dresses... so i was so happy that i went outside to go dance in it. As i TWIRLED AROUND, I caught a glimpse of someone sitting in my patio chair, and then they were gone when i took another look. In confusion and kinda scared, I turned around to run away to my mom and grandma, only to have this see-through orange cat run past me and then DISAPPEARED.
this shit was weird.
I ran to my mom and grandma and told them what happen.
My mom was a bit concerned and went outside to see what was going on, but my grandma reassured me that it was probably just my grandpa (from my dads side) (my grandma's husband on my moms side, left them very early in my mothers life) and she also reassured me that it was just her orange cat that past away just before i was born, or when i was super young. (can't remember)
but yeah. it was very interesting, my grandma lovvvvvvveeeeeeeeed all that stuff, she is definitely the person that got me into scary movies, paranormal things, spoiled me with gifts, it was like having a second mom when she lived with us. :) it was really nice and i miss her, love u margie!!!!

speaking of my grandma, not only does she really like that stuff, but her brother (my grand-uncle, great uncle, lol?) is also extremely into it and owns many things that he believes to be haunted.

I really bring up this whole topic because it started with my mom and i talking about it today. (today is Tuesday, July 17, 2018, posting this into the future though, but since you are reading it, its kinda in the past now, hi its rose from the past? haha)

She knows I am interested in creepy stuff so she told my what my uncle has been saying lately. haha. 

true or not, exaggerated or not, the mind can play tricks if you let it, so AAAAAAA i mean if you believe it enough, it would seem real right? idk, thats scary. but my uncle has a lot of interesting and creepy stories.

But my uncle has been seeing things in his house, and owns a bunch of interesting items that he has collected over the years from swap meets.
Haunted Items: a painting, a small box/chest, cane, and maybe his house. haha.
But yeah, he talks about these things a lot, i don't have pictures of any these because my mom is the only one who visits him and she's too scared to look at anything or let alone be in his house for too long, and i don't think he wants to really share it either? I think he keeps all these things in his room and has it locked? Idk, but thats what I found out today. Thought it was creepy and interesting.
I was like he DEFINITELY should maybe try sage-cleaning his house maybe? ahaha.
So idk, I think i would be scared to take pictures of see something that is claimed to be haunted, but if the chance ever comes, maybe i will take a little picture. idk tho, no promises. D:
So yeah, my uncle liked to collect that kind of stuff and other antiques.
So did my grandma, but her thing was more on collecting antique dolls!

I am getting kinda scared talking about my uncles situation, so I am going to go over a few other of my stories.

So a lot of this stuff was when i was much younger and at a different house. My family and i use to rent another house and you know, even though it was a really nice house, had a lot of room, it had some creepy vibes, especially when i walked down the long hall, and the bathroom. I am not sure what it was. (And also, not really creepy, but a bit, my grandmas room was at the end of the hall, and remember how i said she liked to collect antique dolls, well, guess what would stare at me when walking up and down that hallway... the dolls, i mean if she left the door open haha.)
but i mean i never felt like they would hurt me but i did feel uneasy about them.
I wish i could like take a picture of a memory in my head to show you guys how MANY dolls she had, and of all sizes, the biggest being the size or of a toddler.
They were like on shelves on every side of the wall of her small room and she loved them, she would tell me how she felt safe with them, and felt protected, and i was like okay cool, but I'm outta here! haha.
I did have a favorite and she said that it would be past down to me when the time came, but when she did past, and we had all her stuff with us, i never really found the doll again, especially when a lot of her antiques were sold at garage sales and to other antique collectors. /: I loved this doll the most because she had blue eyes, pink dress, brown hair, but something was broken, not sure if it was the back or leg, but i loved it so much despite it being broken. Never found it but i mange to keep some of my grandmas other items and a few smaller dolls here and there. :)

weird things that happened at this old house tho:

So first was the ghost grandpa, then ghost cat,

THEN this creepy floating face i saw in the bathroom at the old house.
My sister said she had seen it too. imagine just opening ur bathroom and seeing a thing that could most resemble spirited away character, "No Face" best way to describe it. i really were i could erase the memory.

I just always had creepy vibes about that house and i don't know why. I don't know if it was just my mind playing tricks or what.

anyways, once that happened, i became obsessed with looking up ghost images online haha.

moving was the best thing.

I haven't had anything super scary happen to me in a while and I am soon thankful for that, the only weird thing that happens is that i let my overthinking get the best of me sometimes which sucks and ruins my sleeping, but thats about it. 

but i am thankful we moved and haven't felt scared in a while. if anything now, its that i am a lot more scared of humans; breaking in, lurking around, hiding in my house/backyard. I think that is sooooo scary but luckily i have like a hundred hidden knifes in my room, so I'm good. 

I think that all the ghost stories i can think of, if i remember anything else, i will just post updates about it! :D 

(thanks for reading! had fun writing it though) 



Jean-François Bédard

Lost Ghosts are no Joke.. I mean, they almost all are losts.. except if they keep an eye on somebody for a reason, they are supposed to pass unto the either realm or defined realms of their own.... When you are in contact with a Ghost, either guide them into accepting their death and go beyond, or avoid them completely !! They can be very sticky if you provide them with what they lost.. Life !! They can Feel your joy of living and want to stay to try and enjoy it too... alot are somehow believing they MUST warn us about the futur.. talk to us, influence us.. either they see it and pity our situation.. either they have to provide some usefulness to their stay, IDK.. I'm an old soul, I know alot from my past lives.. I have a ritual of passing along all my knowledge to my futur self life into afterlife.. somehow recreating all that I know of being a Creator.. I usually end up clean, and can provide my experience to earth when I come back... Those staying on earth (lost ghosts), are avoiding precious connections to people wondering into either realm and defined realms... They HAVE to go there, to experience higher means.. Freedom of spirit.. even those looking after someone.. they are delaying their own experience for this