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Discussion: Introvert or Extrovert or both?

Introvert: shortest definition i can possibly think of: gaining energy from within your self; having to recharge; better talking one on one; thinks to self a lot.

Extrovert: shortest definition i can possibly think of: gaining energy from a crowd, gaining energy from socializing, thinking better in crowd, like being with a crowd of people and socializing. 

both; Ambivert (i think): feeling both of introverted & extrovert.

I feel like for me i am extremely introverted because I can only be in a crowd or around people for so long before feeling completely drained. i always need at least about a day to myself to think/be alone/ "to recharge" and then i am okay and ready to start seeing people again and can socialize. I do love socializing but I hate being questioned or messing up, it takes longer for me to come up with something, ((((and that usually may be because of the fear of talking, stuttering, or mispronouncing a word, or worried that i will trail off about talking about something completely boring,)))))) 

And it also has to be with a group of people that i am comfy with, but even then i can all the sudden become mute and it drives me crazy sometimes. I also have this weird tendency of not hearing what someone says right away because i am to caught in overthinking and then i am left asking them to repeat themselves like five times haha. Its like all the sudden I forget how to hear or process english. very weird.

but i do my best to have fun and enjoy those moments when surround by people that love me whether i am talking or not. Its nice finding people that accept your quiet times.

silence between people isn't that bad anyways, sometimes it nice just having company.

but anyways, I am usually more talkative, connecting, and getting to know someone when its one on one.

so thats my answer! whats yours? :) 


Lance Bates

I'm an extreme introvert and don't really leave my house much except for work(where I keep to myself mostly), appointments, and sometimes I go on hikes. But that all changes if I'm invited to some sort of competition. Sports, trivia, board games, etc. bring out the extrovert side of me to where I seem like a different person. I'm involved, talkative(sometimes too much), take a leadership role, work to help others succeed, and don't mind a large crowd. Though as soon as I leave, I'm right back to being introverted. It's very weird.

Jason aka asmrpeople

It's sort of strange, in real life I'm a bit introverted. Outside of basic interactions at work I'll often go a week without talking to anybody. Here online I'm one of the most extroverted people in ASMR.


Im sorta the same as jason. At work im an extrovert, talk to everyone like we been buds for years. But outside of work im an extreme introvert. I dont really like to go to big public places. Being surrounded by a bunch of people makes me so uncomfortable. Its kinda a good thing though, keeps you away from a lot of drama. Every once in awhile i do like to go out and experience new things every now and then. But most of the time, im an introvert haha. There is this song i remember from spongebob that i wish i could post here. He sings a short song about being indoors. Fits so well here to me haha 😁


O wait! Here it is! <a href="https://youtu.be/yzyI2Lq28AQ" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/yzyI2Lq28AQ</a>


Depends how drunk I am lol