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Where is your quiet place? Where is the place that you take the time to think and reflect?
I don't normally go to a park as much as a I like but I find the calm and the peace that can come with it.
I guess another question is, does the silence help you think better or does a more crowed social, noisy, area help you think better?
I think its super healthy to take some time to yourself and think about things, think about memories, decisions, just wonder about thinks.
I daydream and think ALOT. its kinda crazy.
I took this picture of a bench in the pretty grass near a pond and a big tree, i don't normally come here, it was my first time going there, but it looked like the perfect place to just think.
When I take the time to think about things, I find myself thinking at night, in my room, most ideal place is thinking at the beach. 

The beach is probably one of my favorite places to go. Whether its during the day or night, i love getting lost into the waves, watching them crash down, the sun and the sand soaking up into my skin. Its so comfy. Falling asleep on the beach is also so relaxing, (except when u forget to wear sunblock and wake up looking like a tomato, hahaha!)

but anyways, the beach is even more beautiful at night, where there isn't as many people, and the waves and the sky have turn into a dark purple void and the stars start peeking out. (wish they would show more, stupid light pollution!!!) but yeah, the beach is one of my favorite places.

plus the beach i go to has this amazing restaurant that makes bomb ass burritos xDD lmao. 

love you guys and hope u enjoy my random nonsense.. hahaha.
so what is your favorite place? where do you feel comfy to daydream? 



I have a few places. There are these trails i like to go on, like the one that leads to the top of a mountain near where i live. Sitting on top of a rock on that mountain, where is so calming and peaceful is breath taking. For me personally being in a quiet place like that helps to clear your head. We can get so used to the everyday hustle and noise around us, so its good to just take a step back and relax. I remember me and my friend talked on top of the mountain for so long last time i was there. The beach as well is a good spot for me too for the same reason. And also just taking a nice scenic drive listing to chill music really clears my head.

Jason aka asmrpeople

I love free thinking while getting a massage. It's quiet you brain is getting loaded with dophamine, it's great for very deep thought.