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Last new cover for a while. I really need to get some writing done.

After Hannah takes a trip to "Star Trek", she comes back to the real world and heads off to her fancy mansion in Miami, only she isn't going alone. It's time for all of us to meet Mia Sato's roommate Lisa: a girl who was seduced by Hannah and Sabrina weeks ago, yet may or may not regret it. Just like Mia, Lisa was upgraded to crazy-hot proportions, yet she didn't dive into crazy sex and wild adventures like her roommate. Now that Hannah has popped back into her dorm and trying to get Lisa to come with her, Sabrina, and Mia, will Lisa finally get sucked into the crazy sex Mia craves?

Lisa of course agrees to go on an adventure (cuz there would not be a story if she stayed at home) and is soon teleported to Hannah's mansion. Yet, she, Mia, and Sabrina are turned into ghosts (flight, intangibility, invisibility) and given a game to play. Hannah has hidden several 'presents' around her mansion, each of them containing new powers for the girls to play with that night. Whoever finds the most presents ... wins! In order to make things sexy, Hannah also decides that if any girl gets scared by another, they get the ghostly, crazy, possibly kinky equivalent of "seven minutes of heaven" with the other! Hannah does not tell the girls what they will win at the end of the night, and instead vanishes to haunt her own mansion, eager to give the girls all a few scares of her own. 

Lisa better harness her new powers quickly, or Sabrina, Mia, and Hannah might just scare her to death and turn her into a REAL ghost!



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