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You guys were adamant that Fenix was always supposed to win, and that endings never get changed mid-match. Many places are reporting the Moxley vs. Fenix ending was changed. Moxley was supposed to win, but Moxley pivoted when he got hurt and switched it to Fenix, hence the referee’s confusion. Mercedes Moné did the same thing in her title match against Willow Nightingale months ago. Mercedes was supposed to win, but she knew she was injured bad during the match and was going to be out for a while, so she switched the ending to Willow. So it happens.


True it does happen, but just because dirt sheets report it doesn't mean it did. It could've happened there, but Moxley was only concussed and still did the rest of the match. Mercedes broke her ankle right? That one makes more sense.

The Jericho AppretiHater

Moxley didn't say "Fuck you" to the ref. I read his lips to say "I can't move!" Which then Fenix picked him up for the second slam.