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“Jungle Boy” Jack Perry ran out to save HOOK, but didn’t he just get out of a tag team? Can Josh remind me the name?


Just got my refund for double or nothing. Still holding out hope for collision but good god that ppv was year 1 quality shit.

PCJ aka Pop Culture Junkie

I worked at a movie rental store at IAH airport for a number of years. Met a bunch celebs and wrestlers including Brock Lesnar. Got his autograph but no photo since camera phones weren’t common yet. This was the day after they aired the tapes Smackdown when he and Big Show collapsed the ring in 2003. He definitely was not excited to have anyone disrupt his time but I managed to ask him if the ring spot was planned. He replied “what spot?” I said the spot where the ring broke. He shrugged and mumbled oh um no it wasn’t suppose to happen. He signed my magazine and then went to Taco Bell and ordered a tray full of tacos. Do y’all have Any interesting celebrity autograph story’s to share ?


Have you considered a question on the score sheet of how many botces a PPV will have?


Has nothing to do with AEW but has Josh seen the botch bracket? And if not why the hell hasn’t he! Want his live reaction to reverse knees and Charade

Doctor Tots

This one is for Andrew. Throughout the years have you ever been close to doing the recap by yourself because someone couldn't make it? Josh seems like the kind of person to bail last minute for sex, only for him not to bust a nutt at the end anyways.


hey, so i heard that the NXT show last weekend was really good and even better than all the other shows... have yall watched it? and if so did yall like it? If so maybe yall could go back to reviewing NXT instead of AEW...


Every Wednesday I tune in to Dynamite, and every Wednesday I end up watching Impractical Jokers. Josh, spell impractical.


Josh stop tweeting ur the worst tweeter ever

Mike Hunthurtz

Hey guys. What a night!... It's good to be here in ..........pause pause pause.... *Insert city location* do I say that? Anyways... And I want to announce that next week we will have....... Pause pause pause... *Insert AEW star here* Wow! What a great surprise! Now it's time for the main event! Go fuck yourself San Diego. I'm Tony Kahn?