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Isn’t getting thrown through a table better than just hitting the the floor instantly? The table would cushion my fall


Hey guys love you for real …. Always make me laugh…. Who do you guys think Seth fueds with first officially for the title … asking for my friend Bushko


So, after watching both recaps from this weekend, and watching you all habitually over the last few years...I realize the overall wrestling product has dropped to such a low level. But even when I still hate what's on weekly episodic television, I still have to watch wrestling mostly so I can enjoy your take and commentary on the (que Seth Rollins bullshit) subject. Keep up the awesome work!

PCJ aka Pop Culture Junkie

we haven’t had Alexa around in months bc of skin cancer & now she’s gets preggers by her boy band husband. Carmella is also knocked up…Can we get some kinda genetic jackhammer to voluntarily impregnate Dana Brooke, Ronda, Trish & Nattie.


So…Cody needs a better finisher, right? Someone at his level needs to have a “one and done” move to be taken seriously. Cross Rhodes is cool, but not when he has to hit the “3 Ami-Rhodes” to win the big ones. What legendary finisher can he bring back? Should he just steal the F5?


Been listening to some of your earlier stuff… Do you and Joe still mock Eric for the way he eats his pancakes? P.S: Joe your Aunt Bailey’s “Kiss on the Lips” impression always gets a chuckle outta me.


Push fire bury how roman can lose the titles 1. To Cody but 2 wrestle manias from now, with Cody losing to roman along the way. 2. To Sami, but it’s in a fluke roll up and Sami immediately runs away and stays a cowardly baby face. 3. To Brock at Saudi mania and heyman goes back to Brock.


Not saying he’s on there but, is Seth Rollins creeping into that Mount Rushmore conversation?


Alexa is pregnant. Hypothetically, if you had a chance to fuck her at 8.5 months pregnant, you going in? I'm guessing Josh wouldn't, but the rest of you would.


Wtf lol