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One per person and keep them short please!



Best comment. Kevin Patrick in the main event: Is there anybody in the Wwe quite like Rollins when it comes to eating out (pause) and inside other minds. Corey Graves: It’s a family show KP.


Is this year’s Backlash the worst PPV card/build up in the last 30 years? If not, wich one is worst?


So did WWE give away the results of a Bianca and Io since Io is now on Raw?


Let’s hope the Hollywood writer script affects wwe as well and forces Vince to let wrestlers cut there own promos.

Jason Dearham

Are u guys surprised that Gable Steveson wasn't drafted, he was the big star of the last draft... The guy's been training and practising for the last 2 years, so you can only imagine how good he must be now!!!!


Push/Fire/Bury "Bloodline Crumbles" Heyman scenarios: stays with Roman (alone, after Solo & the Usos are out), reappears as the advocate for "recently cowboy" Brock Lesnar, disappears from TV completely

Jonathan Ramos

Push/Fire/Bury: Judgment Day’s t-shirt, Choda Boy’s costume, Bad Bunny’s Met Gala outfit.


Do you guys still watch NXT every now & then? I go to the events cause I live in Orlando & I think that sometimes the matches are even better than the main roster. *Andrews HBK Imitation* The Heartbreak Kid *end imitation* knows what he’s doing down at the performance center. Maybe it might just be attending it live but I feel like they’ve stepped their game up ever since they went back to the black & gold logo. Want your guys thoughts & opinions?


Do you think the Ussos should give away the superkicks as KO ate about 20 and they didn't work while one Hellulah kick from sami did the job? What wwould Sean Michaels say?


Push Fire Bury mid carders: santos escrobar, ricochet, butch but as Pete dunne