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Push, fire, bury Cuts of steak... Ribeye T-bone Filet mignon


Been a difficult personal week for Ol Uncle Saudi here. Andrew genuine thank you for all the work and effort you put into making this show happen. You rock

PCJ aka Pop Culture Junkie

Andrew if you could set up Josh on first a blind date with any current WWE/AEW biological female talent who would it be? And second if you could set up a blind fight club fight to face Josh, who would it be?

Sean Dougherty

Have u guys watched AEW All Access and if so what are your thoughts


Is Keith Lee trying to be Sam L Jackson from Django unchained?


Please please just tell me now that none of the "pillars" will ever beat MJF. My loads for MJF are so big, so messy. I dont want a half skeleton, jungle, cuntymaker getting me off. PS: im the biggest Kenny fan too. Plz give it to me AEW Love you guys. Stay cool


How can anyone go toe to toe with MJF on the mic? I feel like the only one who came close was Regal. CM Punk’s mic jabs at MJF weren’t all that great. Could anyone really say anything to insult this dude?


I’ve been trying AEW for the first time in my life these past few weeks after being exclusively WWE. My honest opinion on it is the matches are great. I like them even more than WWE but the storytelling is not even close.( which is the reason I watch pro wrestling)


I need omos to beat mjf. #omosapien


Why does Swerve’s new music have brachiosaurus mating calls to start the song??!?


Which wrestling legend could go against MJF on promo battle and win?


Do you guys think Darby has lost his edge. Comes on the screen and I’m not even excited anymore